Categories: Relationships

She Ghosted Her Best Friend Who’s In The Middle Of Getting Divorced After Learning Her Friend Started Seeing Her Ex-Boyfriend Despite Thinking She Might Still Have Feelings For Him

Katharina Buczek

When her friend finally spilled the beans, she actually wasn’t upset for the reasons you might think.

“Originally, I was concerned that my friend was leaving one bad situation for another, and I was trying to get through to her about how bad of a decision this is,” she revealed.

However, in response, her friend claimed to feel “relieved” that she wasn’t angry at her, and it came out that her friend believed she might still have feelings for her ex.

She again reassured her friend that she wasn’t mad before she excused herself from the conversation.

“Because the realization that my friend thought I still had feelings for him and decided to start seeing him anyway did not sit right with me,” she said.

Since then, she has essentially ghosted her friend. She hasn’t answered any calls or texts, and their mutual acquaintances are treating her like the bad guy for “abandoning” her friend during the divorce, which is such a vulnerable point in her life.

This has left her questioning whether ghosting her friend is understandable or really does make her a jerk.

How would you react if your friend crossed a line like that after you’d supported them through everything? What advice would you give her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Katharina Buczek

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