
She Doesn’t Want Her Husband In The Delivery Room Since He’s Been Absent And Unsupportive Throughout Her Whole Pregnancy

Aleksandrs - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Can you imagine getting married and starting a family, only to have your husband be extremely absent and unsupportive?

Sadly, that’s the same situation this woman has found herself in. Ever since she found out she was expecting, her husband has barely been there for her.

First of all, the only appointment he ever attended with her was the very first one to confirm she was actually pregnant.

“Even then, he didn’t want to be there and was on his phone throughout the ultrasound,” she recalled.

And since that initial appointment, he has not gone with her to any others. This is partly because, given how he acted at the doctor’s office, she decided not to bring him along anymore.

Instead, she figured she would just give her husband updates and let him know what her doctor said.

Some spouses might’ve caught onto this, either realizing they messed up or at least showing increased interest as time went on. Her husband, on the other hand, never seemed to care that he was excluded.

“I noticed he never asks about my appointments, how I am doing, or how the baby is doing,” she explained.

“So, I stopped giving him updates.”

Aleksandrs – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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