
She Doesn’t Want Her Boyfriend To See His Ex-Girlfriend At His High School Reunion Because He Often Compares Them, And It Makes Her Really Insecure

Andrey_Arkusha - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 28-year-old woman and her boyfriend, who’s 30, have been dating for nearly two years, and their relationship is great for the most part. She has only one issue: her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend from high school, Lily.

Lily was his first love, and even though they split up a long time ago, her boyfriend still talks about his ex from time to time.

“It’s always small stuff like how she had ‘great taste in music’ or how ‘no one’s ever matched their connection,'” she explained.

“He doesn’t seem to realize how much it bothers me, and I hate feeling like I’m always competing with a memory.”

So, when her boyfriend recently brought up how he was planning to attend his high school reunion, she got a major pit in her stomach. She knows that Lily will be there, and she can’t help but feel very insecure.

She knows that their breakup is so far in the past, but she’s still worried that seeing Lily might stir up some old feelings.

She tried telling her boyfriend that she was uncomfortable with him attending the reunion, too, particularly if Lily was going to be there. She also suggested that they go to the event together, but he immediately shot her idea down.

Her boyfriend claimed the reunion was “just for old classmates” and that he didn’t want to be “that guy who brings his girlfriend to a reunion.”

Then, when she reiterated how uncomfortable she felt, he just accused her of being controlling and insecure. Her boyfriend even stated it was “ridiculous” of her to be jealous of a girl from high school.

Andrey_Arkusha – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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