
She Cut Off Her Parents Because They Kept Pressuring Her To Give Her Son With Autism Up For Adoption, Calling Him A Burden

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This 32-year-old woman is a single mom to her 7-year-old son, who is on the autism spectrum, and he means everything to her.

She and her ex-husband got divorced three years ago, and she’s been raising her son basically all by herself ever since.

“My ex and I tried to make it work, but the stress of raising a special needs child took a toll, and he bailed,” she explained.

“Now, it’s just me and my son, and while it’s not always easy, I wouldn’t trade him for the world.”

Her parents, on the other hand, have a different perspective. Following her son’s diagnosis, they began making rude remarks, implying that her son was simply too much to handle.

They started off subtly, saying things like, “He must be exhausting,” or, “You need a break.”

More recently, her parents have escalated their comments, flat-out suggesting that she consider putting her son up for adoption! According to her parents, he is “too much of a burden.”

She was beyond shocked when her parents proposed adoption, and she had no clue how to even respond.

“I love my son with every part of me, and the idea that they think he’s disposable or a problem to be solved with adoption made me sick to my stomach,” she said.

StockPhotoPro – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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