
She Caused Her Stepmom To Cry In Family Therapy After She Called Her Selfish For Making Her Dad Feel Awful For Watching The Videos Her Late Mom Recorded For Them

Natalia - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 17-year-old girl currently attends family therapy along with her dad and stepmom, since her dad thought it would be helpful for them to discuss the issues they’re facing.

Her stepmom feels hurt that she’s closed her out of her life, and her stepmom desperately wants a relationship with her.

Back when she was five-years-old, her mom passed away. Her mom left videos behind for her, her two older brothers, and her dad.

“My dad got some birthday ones and a Christmas and wedding anniversary video. My brothers and I got every birthday until 18 that she’d miss, milestone birthdays, Christmas, and big events like our own weddings and babies,” she explained.

Three years after her mom’s passing, her stepmom moved into their home, and three years after that, her dad married her stepmom.

She got along alright with her stepmom when she was little, but she had a hard time looking at her like a mom.

When her dad got married, though, she began watching the videos her mom recorded with increasing frequency.

She thought about her mom more and more, and she missed her terribly. Her dad finding someone new to love made the loss of her mom feel more real.

One year into her dad’s marriage, her stepmom made nasty faces anytime someone in their family would watch a video from her mom.

Natalia – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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