
She Brought Her Therapist Friend On A First Date With Her, And The Guy Mansplained Manifestation

“Like it’s no better than the place that we were at, but for the plot we went,” Lisandra said. She turned around and told her friend they would have one drink and then get the heck out of there.

After they ordered drinks, Lisandra’s date sat down next to her and put his hand on her leg without asking if it was ok first.

She instantly felt uncomfortable, so she excused herself to the bathroom to escape. Upon returning, she picked a chair not located next to her date, hoping to avoid more unwanted contact.

When Lisandra’s friend then went to the bathroom, Lisandra’s date looked up from his hissy fit of texting to confront her over her changing vibe.

She politely told her date that his putting his hand on her leg made her feel uneasy, but her date argued women like when he does that.

She pointed out to her date that not every woman wants physical contact on date one, which seemed to go over well with him, but then he suggested a third bar.

Lisandra and her friend said yes to the third bar, and away they went while Lisandra whispered to her friend that she hated the guy.

“The way that he kept explaining just how his manifestations and stuff like that work – I was just like, this guy is a nightmare because he was using therapy language to try to manipulate me essentially to do whatever he wanted,” Lisandra explained.

So, while Lisandra was not having a nice time, her date actually was. He told her in the third bar that he could see them being a thing, but he wanted to know how a relationship could work between them, given Lisandra’s travel schedule and the fact that women throw themselves at him constantly since he’s a DJ.

“I know I’m not interested, but I love a hypothetical discussion,” Lisandra clarified.

Shockingly, Lisandra’s date asked her to tell him about her five-year plan after that. Lisandra’s a comedian, so she replied that her profession is her five-year plan.

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