
She Broke Up With Her Boyfriend Because She Didn’t Want To Be Responsible For His Kids

romantic couple in front of santa monica amusement park at sunset.
Joshua Resnick - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

While many people have found joy in dating people with children, sometimes, it can be a little too much for someone who doesn’t have a lot of experience with kids.

One woman recently broke up with her boyfriend before they were supposed to move in together because she didn’t want to be responsible for his kids.

She’s 25, and her boyfriend is 29. Her boyfriend has two young kids, a nine-year-old and a seven-year-old. He had his kids with his ex-wife, who he married at 19.

She knew her boyfriend had kids but never saw them much since he had an arrangement with his ex that didn’t require him to be with them all the time.

She had only been with her boyfriend for a few months when they fell so deep in love that they decided to find a place to live together.

They found a place and set a move-in date, but then, everything changed. Recently, her boyfriend found out that his custody arrangement would be changing, and he would have his kids every other week.

“Since I don’t have children, I felt that was a bit much,” she admitted.

“I felt like that wouldn’t give us enough time to get a good rhythm in our place before bringing an extra set of humans to care for every other week.”

On top of the sudden change in plans, she became especially stressed because she knew she’d end up responsible for watching her boyfriend’s kids for the majority of each day.

romantic couple in front of santa monica amusement park at sunset.
Joshua Resnick – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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