
Setting Such Strict Boundaries May Be Ruining Your Friendships

This trend can be seen on so many social media platforms. People share stories of friends who’ve disagreed with them, had a miscommunication, or made a mistake. Then they ditch them.

Well, spoiler alert: we all mess up. And can you imagine how lonely a place the world would be if we severed ties with everyone the moment they made a blunder?

Friendships are relationships, the bonding of two people to form a genuine connection. As we talk, relate, and spend time with each other, we are also supposed to learn and grow together.

Yes, there will be instances when cutting someone out of your life who’s shown a proven pattern of toxicity is warranted. Yet, don’t pull the plug on your best friend without showing them some grace first.

Think about the kind of empathy you’d like to be shown if you ever slipped up, and never forget it. The golden rule, “Treat others as you would want to be treated,” is crucial here.

At the end of the day, realize that issues will always come up in every single relationship you enter, and weathering the storm is often more important than fleeing in the name of your ego.

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