
Long-Distance Traders Known As The Pochteca Also Served As The Aztec Empire’s Spies, Gathering Intel On Communities In Other Lands

Scholars have suggested that the Pochteca were responsible for the diversity of pre-Columbian maize because they transported seeds across the region.

Since the Pochteca traveled all over the Aztec Empire and beyond, they were in the perfect position to work as spies. They gathered information on states and lands that were not under the empire’s control.

Among the traders, the Pochteca Teucnehnenqueh was the highest ranked. They traded on behalf of the nobles.

Then, there were the Naualoztomeca, who learned multiple languages and customs and disguised themselves to be more discreet.

The Tealtianime was in charge of bringing back captives to be used in human sacrifices for Aztec rituals. And finally, the Iyahqueh guarded trade depots and stations along the trade routes.

The Pochteca married amongst themselves to keep the secrets within the inner circle. Male children were sent to elite schools with the children of minor nobles. Their power came to an end with the Spanish conquest.

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