
It’s Common To Not Like Those You Love, But Both Are Important For Healthy Romantic Relationships

Going back to the family example, this explains how we can sometimes love our parents or our siblings without liking their nature as individuals. It also illuminates why falling into toxic relationships can be seemingly easy and escaping them can be incredibly difficult.

The pull of passion and the drive for connection may cause you to fall head over heels for someone who, either immediately or over time, makes you feel undervalued or unseen. In these moments, exiting the relationship may seem as though it’s the most logical answer. Yet, leaving behind that intense love might feel impossible.

It’s, of course, normal to dislike certain things about everyone. After all, no one is perfect, and everyone is bound to have flaws that tick you off from time to time. For instance, your roommate might be forgetful and never take out the trash, or your best friend could lack good communication skills.

But when it comes to romantic relationships, it is ideal to both like and love the person you choose to settle down with. Yes, love can be fiery and exciting. Still, like is arguably the true foundation of a steady partnership.

It signifies that you value who you’re with and view them as a wonderful person. At the same time, they help you feel safe and open, without any pressure to defend yourself or guard your words.

This isn’t to say that you should cut out anyone you don’t like from your life, as love is its own powerful and beautiful emotion. Still, it’s important to keep in mind what kind of relationship you truly want with a significant other and remember that love can sometimes blind us to our dislikes.

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