
His Wife’s Best Friend Cheated On Her Husband, And Her Affair Partner Has Been Stalking And Blackmailing Her, So He Wants To Expose The Infidelity To Her Husband

Young smiling couple enjoying fall in the park.
grki - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

When you find out someone close to you has cheated on their spouse, do you think it’s best to keep your mouth shut? What about when their infidelity starts to impact your own relationship?

That’s the unfortunate situation this man has found himself in, as his wife’s best friend actually cheated on her husband.

Apparently, his wife’s friend slept with another guy around half a dozen times over a few months. Then, the affair stopped.

“And although I know, and my wife knows, we’ve taken the ‘not our business’ approach to it,” he explained.

Well, the friend’s affair partner didn’t take kindly to their shenanigans ending. So, out of the blue, the guy began stalking and blackmailing his wife’s friend.

More specifically, the guy has begun threatening to tell the friend’s husband about her affair unless she does specific, undisclosed things for him.

The stalking has escalated and started involving his wife, too, which makes him feel very nervous.

For instance, just last week, his wife and her best friend went on a walk together when her friend’s affair partner pulled up in his truck. The guy even tried to call his wife’s friend out on a supposed lie, claiming she said that she was going to the gym.

“I guess he has been tracking her, and unless she shares her location with him, he is threatening to tell her husband,” he revealed.

Young smiling couple enjoying fall in the park.
grki – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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