
His Wife Was Institutionalized After A Mental Break Down, And He’s So Burnt Out He Wants To Leave Her

Claudia Hi
Claudia Hi - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Eighteen years. That’s how long this 35-year-old man has been with his 34-year-old wife, but now he’s ready to call it quits.

He and his wife have a five-year-old, and three-year-old twins, and for over four years, it’s been left to him to be the primary caregiver to their children while also playing the role of breadwinner in their house.

His wife has struggled her whole life with mental health issues due to the emotional trauma she suffered as a child.

Her parents had a contentious divorce, and she no longer gets along with her mom or the majority of her siblings because of it.

He and his wife have tried everything to help treat her and have sought help from numerous medical professionals, but not a single thing has given his wife some reprieve.

Earlier in the year, his wife had a total mental breakdown and was institutionalized. While she was still in the institution, she received therapy and various medications that appear to be helping her improve.

“After all of this, I’ve burnt out,” he admitted. “I’ve supported her and the kids with everything I could possibly give them and have had little time to regroup myself.”

“For a good share of our relationship, there’s been very little reciprocation on caring acts or romantic gestures.”

“Last year, during one of her very low periods, I started to have doubts that I can continue with the relationship, and have had waves where I’ve lost romantic feelings for her.”

Claudia Hi – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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