
His Wife Said She Didn’t Find Him Attractive At All Anymore While Struggling With Postpartum Depression, And He’s Been On Autopilot In Their Marriage Ever Since

She was ultimately prescribed some medications for postpartum depression (PPD), and her mental health had a significant turnaround. According to him, the meds had a nearly instantaneous impact, improving his wife’s mood a ton.

Nonetheless, he cannot get his wife’s comment about his appearance out of his head. He’s unable to forget it, and now, he feels like he’s simply “going through the motions.”

“I am on autopilot and helping out with our baby as much as I can,” he detailed.

Yet he has absolutely no desire to be romantic with his wife, even though she wants to be with him.

She has continued apologizing for her statement as well, and she feels very guilty about what happened.

“And I’ve told her it’s okay. But I just want to wait it out until our baby is a year and a half and things are stable, and that’s when I’ll decide the next steps,” he vented.

Still, he can’t help but wonder if proceeding on “autopilot” in his marriage is understandable, given how hurt he is, or actually makes him a jerk.

Have you or your partner experienced PPD? How can he and his wife work to overcome this together?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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