
His Wife Had An Affair Five Years Ago, And He’s Only Considering Getting Back Together With Her Now

Pierre - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

For fifteen years, this 39-year-old man has been married to his 37-year-old wife. They have two children, and his wife has an affair child as well.

Five years ago, his wife cheated on him with her married coworker, and he learned about her affair and her pregnancy at the exact same time.

Since he and his wife had gone months without being physical due to her rejecting him, he knew there was no way her baby was his: it was then that she confessed.

The very next day, he reached out to a lawyer, prepared to divorce his wife. He also moved out of their home and into a nearby hotel so he could figure out his next steps.

He completely expected his wife to move in with her affair partner, but this man said there was no way he would leave his wife and kids for her.

This guy also asked his wife not to follow through with her pregnancy, but his wife refused and then never talked to him again.

“So I couldn’t stay at a hotel forever, and my wife got fired because of the affair, so she was unemployed,” he explained.

“I couldn’t really afford two homes, not without severely affecting my kids’ quality of life. So I went back home and my wife and I agreed to just live as roommates and be civil around the kids.”

“I figured within a few months we would be in a financial condition to separate properly. But it never happened. First, I stayed to help her through the pregnancy, then with the newborn, and before I knew it, 2 years had passed.”

Pierre – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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