
His Sister Disregarded His Wishes And Announced His Wife’s Pregnancy On Social Media Before They Could Even Tell Her Family The News

Drobot Dean
Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

At the end of August, this man and his wife found out that they were expecting a baby. Then, in September, they both learned that they were actually having twins.

So, he and his wife decided to wait around 13 weeks before telling his family the big news. They also asked his relatives not to post anything about the pregnancy online until they were able to tell his wife’s family, who lived in Brazil.

Unfortunately, his sister completely disregarded their wishes and proceeded to post a big “sentimental” post on Facebook.

“Gushing about how she’s so excited to be an aunt,” he detailed.

“This obviously upset my wife and also angered me.”

He gave his sister a call after seeing the post, and he expressed how disappointed he was by her actions, calling her really selfish.

Well, in response, his sister just replied, “I don’t have any of her family or friends on my Facebook, so it’s not like I ruined the surprise for them.”

This sparked a back-and-forth argument, and in the end, his sister was agitated.

“My sister is a very emotional person and we have a very strong relationship, always have, but I couldn’t just let this go,” he explained.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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