
His Loved Ones Think His Girlfriend’s Ugly And Insist He Can Do Better Than Her

Portrait shot of beautiful young woman standing with arms crossed in the living room.
gzorgz - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Pretty much everyone in this guy’s life says he’s conventionally attractive. On a scale of one to ten, he’s solidly an eight.

He does have a girlfriend, but they’re mismatched in the looks department. He loves his girlfriend, but she’s only average in terms of her attractiveness.

He doesn’t think this is an issue or something to be concerned about, but all of his loved ones sure are up in arms about her.

“In fact, this is the strongest relationship I’ve ever had,” he explained. “I get a lot of interest from attractive women when I’m out and even tried dating a couple but it never lasted beyond the first few dates, for reasons that I won’t go into here.”

“The problem is, my friends and family keep making insinuations that she is ugly, never to her face, of course, but it still hurts to hear them talking about her in this way.”

“From my perspective, she is the most beautiful person in the world. But even looking at her objectively, I struggle to see what they see.”

He can admit she’s not attractive in a conventional or traditional way, but she’s not hideous. He suspects that since his girlfriend doesn’t wear makeup, his family members and friends find her to be on the “plain” side.

However, he doesn’t think a lack of makeup instantly makes you an ugly duckling. He has tried to shut down the negativity coming from his loved ones, but they aren’t respecting him or his girlfriend either.

They just keep on singing the same old song: his girlfriend isn’t the best fit for him and he can do better than her.

Portrait shot of beautiful young woman standing with arms crossed in the living room.
gzorgz – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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