
His Girlfriend’s Grown Increasingly Clingy And Controlling, And He’s Not Sure How To Handle Her

Drazen - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

There are so many people who dream of one day falling in love and having a partner who enjoys spending a lot of time with them.

However, there’s a big difference between enjoying quality time together and dealing with clinginess.

One man is unsure what to do after his girlfriend, who he does care about, has gotten increasingly clingy and controlling.

He and his girlfriend are in their late 20s and have been together for a little over a year. He loves his girlfriend, as she adores him and is always ready to serve him and get him what he needs. She loves him despite his flaws and really enjoys spending time with him.

However, he’s found it more difficult to meet his girlfriend’s needs, as she needs to always be with him.

“I’m an introvert who needs my own space and time with friends, but when I take it, I’m always timed [by my girlfriend],” he explained.

“For example, I used to see my friends once a week, but now I see them twice a month, [only] on days I confirm with her. We only hang out for four to five hours, and if I don’t text her for an hour or two, I get texts saying, ‘Do you even miss me?'”

Whenever he wants time to himself, his girlfriend is more comfortable with that and will hang around his place silently while he does what he needs to do.

Even then, he can only have time to himself for an hour or two before his girlfriend wants him to focus on her.

Drazen – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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