Categories: Relationships

His Girlfriend Wants Him To Pay Off Her $6,000 Student Loans To Prove He’s Serious About Her

Bre Avery Zacharski

Eight months ago, this 26-year-old guy started dating his 25-year-old girlfriend. They have been out on many amazing dates together, and their relationship is pretty wonderful.

His girlfriend has introduced him to her best friends and praised him to her parents. She also puts a lot of thought into cooking meals for him so he truly believes she cares about him.

“We had a conversation last night about our future together,” he explained. “My girlfriend believes we are not in a serious relationship until I pay off her student loans in full.”

“The balance is 6k. My girlfriend has a good relationship with both her parents (they are not together), but her father is not willing to help her out even though he is financially stable and has his own successful business. She doesn’t tell me why her father refuses to help her.”

He doesn’t want to have to pay her student loans to prove that he’s serious about her. Instead, he suggested helping his girlfriend create a budget to help her pay off her loans on her own.

She wasn’t happy with that solution, especially since she wants to go back to college to complete her bachelor’s degree, and she can’t do that until she pays back that outstanding loan.

His girlfriend currently works a job in retail, making minimum wage, so she really wants to obtain her degree and begin a more serious career.

After thinking about what would be best, he ultimately decided to dump his girlfriend over her tall ask.

He didn’t think it was fair of his girlfriend to test him in this way. While he is still grieving the loss of his relationship, as he did really like his girlfriend, he feels this is for the best. – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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Published by
Bre Avery Zacharski

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