
His Girlfriend Acts Like A Total Child Over Food, Is Incapable Of Feeding Herself, And Throws Tantrums When She’s Hungry

Dusan - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Part of being an adult means feeding yourself, whether that’s learning to cook or relying on takeout. But this 29-year-old guy’s 32-year-old girlfriend never figured this one out.

His least favorite thing about her is that she acts like a total child over food. She’s incapable of feeding herself, and whenever she’s hungry, she throws tantrums, and he thinks it’s terrible behavior. They’ve been dating for close to a year, and they do not live together.

He’s tried to cook her meals, and he’s tried to order delivery for the two of them, but nothing is ever good enough.

His girlfriend won’t eat alone and will become furious with him if he eats before they even make plans to hang out.

“We’ve had many arguments that are literally just about food,” he said. “She acts as if it is my responsibility to choose what she eats when she eats, make sure it’s something she wants (she’s picky)…Applebees? No. Mexican food? No. Chinese? Nah. Burgers? Nope. Insert ANYTHING. I get a no.”

He’s not sure how to ever help her because she won’t help herself. He once tried to purchase her a special dice with different food options on each side in order to bring a little humor to the situation, but it’s not like his girlfriend uses it.

The one solution that has helped is asking his girlfriend to send him a link to a recipe that she would like him to cook for her.

“But then I end up buying $80-$100 worth of groceries to go to her house and cook us a meal that she ends up having 4 bites of (after all that!),” he explained.

When the night is over, he takes the remaining groceries home since he can’t exactly afford to buy things for her that she won’t eat.

Dusan – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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