
His Female Coworker Wound Up In The Hospital After He Put A Laxative In His Lunch To Catch Who Was Stealing His Food At Work, And He Might Lose His Job If He Doesn’t Apologize

Things took a turn, though, when one of his female coworkers in her 20s ate the food, had an allergic reaction to an ingredient, and wound up getting sent to the hospital!

Following that chaotic workday, he and his colleagues went to visit his coworker, and he owned up to putting the laxative in his own lunch. To his surprise, six out of his eight colleagues, who were all women, were totally disgusted by him.

They thought it was completely wrong to do that, and they all took his coworker’s side.

“One girl was whatever about it, and the last guy said she shouldn’t have been touching my food to begin with,” he explained.

“I told the girl that I hoped she got better and went home, but I didn’t apologize for what I did, and I’m not going to.”

Well, his supervisor wound up calling him later on his day off. For some context, this is the same supervisor he’d previously spoken to about the stolen lunch issue and was no help. At the time, his supervisor claimed that she wasn’t his or his colleagues’ mother and couldn’t control who ate what.

And now, after the laxative incident, his supervisor actually told him that he needed to apologize to the coworker who stole his food. Plus, he was not allowed to come back to work until he did so.

“I’m assuming if I take too many days, I’ll just be fired for not coming to work,” he vented.

Still, he doesn’t know what to do here and isn’t sure if putting the laxative in his own food really does warrant an apology.

Is it his coworker’s fault for eating his lunch? Should he have to say he’s sorry or not? What would you do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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