
His Female Coworker Wound Up In The Hospital After He Put A Laxative In His Lunch To Catch Who Was Stealing His Food At Work, And He Might Lose His Job If He Doesn’t Apologize

Restaurant, group and friends eating, social gathering and reunion with conversation and happiness. Diversity, women and student on a break, fast food and snack with lunch and smile with discussion. - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This man has always preferred bringing his own lunch to work as opposed to using a snack machine or eating out like the rest of his colleagues. After all, it’s a good way to save some money.

However, around three months ago, he realized that someone kept stealing his food.

It all started off slowly. One day, he noticed that one out of his three slices of pizza was missing at lunchtime. On other afternoons, he’d found some of his soup had been eaten, or a bag of chips was missing.

“I didn’t think much of it and simply decided to attach a ‘please don’t touch’ paper sign on my stuff,” he recalled.

This helped in the beginning, as his lunch was left alone for a while. Yet, after more time passed, someone started taking his meals again.

So, by the third month of this going on, he asked some of his coworkers if they knew who the culprit was. None of them had a clue, either, which he does believe since they all tend to eat separately.

“And I decided to eat McDonald’s or go to 7-11 and stop bringing food,” he detailed.

“But then, it started [messing] with my financial stability; 10 to 12 days a paycheck consistently buying food?”

This pushed him to take matters into his own hands. While talking to a friend, he got the idea to put a laxative in his lunch in order to weed out who was responsible.

Restaurant, group and friends eating, social gathering and reunion with conversation and happiness. Diversity, women and student on a break, fast food and snack with lunch and smile with discussion. – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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