
He’s Suing His Best Friend Because They Pushed Him Into Shark-Infested Waters As A Prank And Filmed The Whole Thing

wildestanimal - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual shark

Have you ever had someone play such a cruel prank on you that you were pushed to sue them over it?

This 27-year-old guy and his best friend have been super close for 13 years. But, after one “prank” went too far, he decided to take his friend to court.

It all began just last week when they both went on vacation to a beach state. The trip was going great, too, until they went to hang out near a pier.

While by the pier, he and his friend were just taking pictures. They also noticed some hammerhead sharks in the water. The creatures were clearly visible but “far enough away.”

Still, out of the blue, his best friend suddenly shoved him into the water with the sharks.

“I freaked out, screaming, thinking I could die,” he recalled.

Thankfully, there was a lifeguard there who pulled him out immediately. Even so, he was totally terrified.

Rather than being concerned about him, though, his friend was just laughing at him and filming the whole incident as he got out of the water.

“I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t even say a word,” he explained.

wildestanimal – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual shark

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