
Here’s How To Keep Stray Cats Out Of Your Garden And Protect Your Precious Plants

alatielin - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat

Like anything in life, there are both pros and cons to having cats in your garden.

Felines can benefit your yard by keeping mice, voles, and other rodents out of your property.

However, feisty felines can still pose a risk. They may dig holes in your garden beds, prey on songbirds and small frogs that serve as natural pest control, or even leave waste around your crops.

This isn’t just unpleasant but also a health hazard, as cat (or dog) waste may contain bacteria and parasites that are unsafe around edible crops.

That’s why many gardeners prefer to keep stray cats out of their gardens. If you fall in the same boat, here are some tried-and-true methods for protecting your yard from these kitties.

Say Goodbye To Stray Cats In Your Garden

It only takes a couple of small tweaks to make your outdoor space less inviting to feline friends.

First, you can grow some strongly scented plants in your garden to serve as deterrents. These might include herbs like lemon thyme, rosemary, Russian sage, or rue. You may also opt to grow globe thistle, sea holly, or squash.

Planting them as close together as possible, and even adding some groundcover plants, can deter cats even more. If you ensure your soil is covered, cats won’t be able to dig.

alatielin – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat

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