
Her Son Lied To His Teacher And Said He Gets Locked In A Closet All Night As Punishment, So Now CPS Is Investigating Their Family

Her son apologized to her, but the damage is already done. Her son has been experiencing some behavioral problems in school lately.

Mainly her son with throw a tantrum when his teachers make him do his work. He will slam things around and sob, so his teachers place him in the designated “calm down corner” so he can regain his composure.

“When he does his work, he does great and gets high scores on the tests. He just doesn’t seem to want to focus or do the work a lot of the time,” she said.

“I met with his teachers a few weeks ago, and we agreed that they would send me a quick message most days to tell me whether he had a good day or a bad day, that way we would be in the loop on what’s going on and could take action when he’s having more bad days.”

“We try to talk to him; we take away his Switch or tablet when he’s seriously misbehaved that day. I’m not sure if he really was just joking around or if he told his teacher that I lock him a closet so that she wouldn’t tell me he had misbehaved that day…I really don’t know, and I’m at such a loss now as to do what to do about this.”

Throughout the last week, her son’s teachers haven’t been contacting her, and now she understands why that is.

She’s concerned that her son’s teachers will never be able to trust her ever again, and she doesn’t see how she can find a way to work in harmony with them if they’re worried she’s not treating her son right.

It’s crossed her mind to sit down with the school’s counselor, but she’s so hurt and humiliated.

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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