Categories: Relationships

Her Sister Ruined Her Engagement By Telling Everyone She’s Pregnant, And She Wants An Apology For Having The Spotlight Stolen From Her

Katharina Buczek

Picture this: you and the love of your life get engaged, and to tell the special news to your loved ones, you decide to put together a little party. You invite your guests, prepare some food, and when the day finally comes, you can’t wait.

Then, one of your siblings rips the rug right out from under you and totally commandeers the celebration with their own unexpected announcement.

Should there be a rule that if someone isn’t hosting an event, they shouldn’t get to share any big life news?

That’s how this 28-year-old woman feels since she was recently in the exact same boat.

She and her boyfriend dated for two years before he popped the question, and she was beyond excited to tell her family about their engagement.

So, she planned a family dinner and even baked a cute announcement cake.

“When the moment finally came, I was ecstatic!” she recalled.

However, her sister actually ruined it. For some context, her sister is 30 years old, and they’ve never had a great relationship. She believes that her sister is simply a very critical person who tends to make everything about herself.

It was no different during the party, either, because right when she started to announce her engagement, her sister completely interrupted her.

La Famiglia – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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Published by
Katharina Buczek

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