
Her In-Laws Drained Her Husband’s Savings Account Without His Consent, So Now She Wants To Cut Them Off Financially For Good

Yuliia - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 34-year-old woman and her husband, who’s 35, have been married for five years, and he’s always been super close with his family.

But unfortunately, ever since she met her in-laws, they’ve had financial issues. So, her husband has repeatedly bailed them out of binds over the years.

For some context, back when he was a teenager, he started a savings account that he viewed as a “rainy day” fund. As adults, she and her husband also planned to use the money he’d stored away over the years as a down payment on a home.

The fact that he’d constantly give his family cash, which was supposed to be for their future, did make her uncomfortable. Nonetheless, she always bit her tongue.

“Because it was his money, and I didn’t want to come between him and his family,” she recalled.

Well, more recently, she learned that her in-laws had gone way too far this time. They apparently drained her husband’s savings account without his permission, taking practically all of his money.

The worst part? They blew it on stupid purchases, such as vacations and electronics, and her in-laws didn’t tell her husband about it until afterward, saying that they’d “assumed” he would be fine with it.

Then, they had the nerve to ask for even more money to cover other “unexpected expenses!”

“I told my husband we can’t keep enabling this behavior, especially after they showed such blatant disrespect. I don’t want our financial future ruined by his family’s poor decisions,” she explained.

Yuliia – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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