
Her Husband’s Ex-Wife Lost Her Apartment And Wants To Move Into Their Guest Room For A Few Months, And She’s Being Painted As The Bad Guy For Feeling Uncomfortable With The Idea

Brown and orange pillows on white bed in natural bedroom interior with wicker lamp and wooden bedside table with vase - - illustrative purposes only

This 29-year-old woman and her husband, who’s 34, recently purchased their first home, and they were both ecstatic to have a space that was entirely their own.

Yet, only a few weeks ago, her husband’s 32-year-old ex-wife reached out and threw a major wrench in her plans.

Apparently, her husband’s ex had just broken up with her boyfriend and lost her apartment. So, without anywhere else to go, his ex asked to move into their guest room for a few months.

For some context, her husband and his ex-wife still communicate with each other since they share an 8-year-old daughter, and she’s fine with that. She realizes it is important to have a good co-parenting relationship. However, that doesn’t mean she wants his ex to move in.

The worst part about this whole situation, though, is that her husband actually told his ex it “might be possible” without even consulting her first.

“He just expected me to be okay with it because it’s ‘temporary’ and ‘for the sake of their daughter,'” she explained.

She tried to come up with alternative solutions and even offered to pitch in for either a rental or a hotel room. However, her husband was against all of her ideas and accused her of “making things difficult for no reason.”

He also thinks that his daughter having her mother close by during this “transitional time” would be beneficial. But honestly, she believes her husband is just using his daughter as an excuse to manipulate the situation.

To make matters even worse, her husband’s ex has begun texting him a lot more than normal, and he’s suddenly giving his ex a lot of emotional support.

Brown and orange pillows on white bed in natural bedroom interior with wicker lamp and wooden bedside table with vase – – illustrative purposes only

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