
Her Husband Thinks He’s The Father Of Their Son, But She Secretly Used A Donor

Handsome blonde toddler and pumpkin harvest in orchard. The child eats apples in nature.
Nelly - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

For years, this woman and her husband tried to have a child without success. Eventually, they did a test and learned that her husband was entirely infertile.

They chose to conduct a couple of more tests, along with a biopsy, which resulted in them realizing that there was just no chance of her husband fathering biological children. The odds were zero.

Doctors mentioned to them that they only had two options in their pursuit of being parents: they could find a donor, or they could adopt children.

“Neither of these sounded good to my husband; he was crushed and wanted a biological child more than anything,” she explained.

“The idea of me having a biological child with another man was too weird to him, so…donation was pretty much off the table.”

“I wanted nothing more in life than to be pregnant, so this was pretty devastating. This is my biggest secret, but I went to a…donor without his consent.”

Many clinics require your spouse to approve the process prior to pursuing a donor, but she finally found one place that didn’t make her husband consent.

She and her husband also have separate insurance through their jobs and different bank accounts, so it was easy for her to secure a donor without her husband’s knowledge.

While her husband was working or busy, she planned her doctor appointments around that. She finally did IUI, and she still kept it a secret from him.

Handsome blonde toddler and pumpkin harvest in orchard. The child eats apples in nature.
Nelly – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

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