
Her Husband Lost 100 Pounds And Now That He’s Attractive, She Feels Insecure Over All The Attention He’s Getting

Handsome businessman in corporate suit walking with briefcase  in city.
ivanko80 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Back when this 32-year-old woman started dating her 32-year-old husband, she was the more attractive one between the two of them.

They have been together for the last eight years, and they got married five years ago. Prior to their wedding, her husband weighed about 280 pounds (and he’s 5’11”).

He had no clue how to pick nice outfits for himself, and he had shaved his head. But she fell head over heels in love with him because of his personality.

“I fell in love with who he was as a person; even though I never cared for his looks, I was secretly assured that he wouldn’t cheat on me,” she explained.

That’s a sore subject for her, as all of her previous boyfriends ended up cheating on her. So, her husband felt like a safe option; if he wasn’t that attractive, what woman would try to take him away from her?

During their second year of marriage, her husband’s sister encountered some heart problems and had to drop an enormous amount of weight to improve her health.

Her husband wanted to support his sister, so he began going to the gym five days a week along with her. She thought it was a kind gesture, and she encouraged her husband to do this.

After two and a half years of dedication in the gym, her husband’s sister lost a lot of weight, but he did too.

Her husband dropped about 100 pounds, and now he has abs and a jawline. Not long after her husband’s glow-up, he got promoted at his job to the head of the department, and he was told he needed to up his clothing game.

Handsome businessman in corporate suit walking with briefcase  in city.
ivanko80 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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