
Her Husband Has Been Living A Double Life With A Girl He Fell In Love With At The Gym

A portrait of a beautiful young girl or woman doing cardio workout in a gym.
Halfpoint - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

For sixteen years, this 34-year-old woman has been with her 37-year-old husband, and after all this time, she still immensely loves him.

She always thought he was still passionately in love with her, too, since he said that to her every single day.

Unfortunately, she just found out that he’s been living a double life with a 26-year-old girl he fell in love with at the gym.

For a year, she accompanied her husband to the gym, and they made a few friends there, one of which was the girl he fell for.

She noticed her husband started texting this girl outside of their gym time, and she had no idea what they were constantly chit-chatting about.

“Until he told me that he wanted the divorce because he was in love with her,” she explained.

She and her husband never wanted to be parents, and he even said he hates kids, so it hurts her that this other girl has a five-year-old child, and her husband is going to be this kid’s stepdad.

Her husband has been with this other girl for the last six months and was not planning on letting her know about his secret love interest.

She only learned of his affair because this girl’s husband found out and turned around and told her about the whole thing.

A portrait of a beautiful young girl or woman doing cardio workout in a gym.
Halfpoint – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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