
Her Husband Eats An Abnormal Amount Of Food And They Spend Around $1,000 A Month On Groceries For Just The Two Of Them

aranov images
aranov images - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Yesterday, this woman curled up on the floor of her bathroom to cry over the abnormal amount of food her husband consumes.

She’s 32, and he’s 34, and they never had problems with his eating habits until after she began her residency.

Now, her husband has always had an incredible appetite, and his parents admitted he came close to causing them to file for bankruptcy as they tried to keep up with feeding him through his teen years.

Her husband loves to go to the gym, and he normally consumes 9,000 to 10,000 calories a day, though he’s still super fit.

When she has a day off, she does a grocery run with her husband. She sadly was hospitalized along with 100 kids as a child when her school had a food handling problem.

Due to that scary experience, she has developed an aversion to certain foods, which she is currently working with her psychiatrist to manage.

“We buy huge quantities; our grocery bill works out to be about $1k/month (we don’t have kids),” she explained.

“Recently, all of this food has been disappearing within 5-6 days. He drinks about a gallon of milk a day, half a box of cereal, an entire package of chicken, multiple large tubs of yogurt, and entire blocks of cheese- this doesn’t even include his midnight snacks. This is one day.”

“I can sometimes get in a bite or two of the food I bought before I find the empty packages in the pantry the next day. It’s almost insult to injury that he puts the empty packages back instead of in the garbage.”

aranov images – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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