
Her Friend Moved In With Her And Expects Her To Pay Her Bills Since She’s Going Through A Rough Time After A Breakup

MeganBetteridge - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

No good deed goes unpunished, as they say, and this 28-year-old woman just learned that lesson after her 27-year-old friend moved in with her.

Her friend just went through a breakup, and so she was happy to be there for her in her time of need. Her friend is totally “a free spirit,” and she’s pitched in to help her out in the past, too.

Since she had an extra bedroom in her home that she wasn’t using, she allowed her friend to use that space, assuming her friend would only be living with her temporarily.

“We agreed that she would help out with groceries and share the bills since I can’t cover everything by myself,” she explained.

“At first, it was fine, but as time went on, I noticed that she wasn’t contributing much. I’d buy groceries, and she’d say she was “too busy” to help cook or pitch in.”

Her friend moved in with her a month ago, and her friends’s still allowing her to pay her bills without helping at all.

She feels like her friend is horribly taking advantage of her, so she finally said something. She fully anticipated that her friend would own up to her shortcomings, but instead, her friend freaked out on her and said she wasn’t being the fair one since she happened to be “going through a lot” after her breakup.

She sympathized with her friend but reiterated that she cannot afford to keep footing the bill for her, as she has her own expenses she has to cover.

“Things got heated, and she ended up calling me selfish,” she continued. “Now, she’s threatening to move out and saying that I’m a bad friend for not helping her in her time of need. I feel guilty, but I also feel like I can’t keep carrying her financial weight.”

MeganBetteridge – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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