
Her Fiancé Secretly Met Up With His Ex-Wife And Got Her To Draft Their Prenup, But This Woman’s Not A Lawyer

Anyway, once her fiancé presented her with the “legal document,” she started pressing him for more details, and that’s when she learned his ex-wife had written it up following some secret meetings with him.

She was obviously upset, and her fiancé just became defensive. He did say he was sorry, yet he couldn’t even acknowledge what he was actually apologizing for.

She also asked why he wasn’t able to talk to her about this situation, and all he did was roll his eyes.

That’s why she cannot accept it or forgive him.

For the past six months, her fiancé has left her in the dark about what he wants to do in the future and refused to give her any answers.

“Now, I find out he has been making plans, just not including me. Instead, his ex-wife is the ‘go-to’ person for help,” she vented.

This has left her livid, and she’s not sure if feeling so infuriated is really that crazy or not.

Why do you think her fiancé still runs to his ex for help? How would you feel in her shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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