
Her Daughter’s Best Friend’s Mom Bought Her Daughter A Dress That Doesn’t Fit Her And Said She Needs To Lose Weight

Portrait of young blond teenaged girl
goodluz - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Two weeks ago, this mom’s 14-year-old daughter named Bonnie went shopping with her best friend, Gigi, and Gigi’s mom, Lauren.

On the shopping trip, Lauren purchased dresses for both of the girls that she thought were adorable. While this seems like a sweet gesture, it turned into a cruel one.

Lauren bought Bonnie a dress that doesn’t fit her, a size three, which is several sizes too small for Bonnie.

“Bonnie said she picked out one that was her size, but Lauren put it back and said that the size 3 one would be her “aspirational” dress to work towards fitting into,” she explained.

“When she came home, she gave it to me and was upset but also didn’t want to say anything bad about Gigi’s mom, which I get. First off, Bonnie is a HEALTHY girl. Gymnastics until she was about 11 (and grew several inches), dance in the fall and track in the spring; all her choices.”

“So she’s got an athletic build. Gigi is a small girl, barely 5 feet, and so I thought at first she [Lauren – Gigi’s mom] got them mixed up. She told me that Gigi’s mom got it for her to aspire to try to get into by “working hard.”

She promised Bonnie that she would handle everything and get her a dress that fits her. A day later, she phoned Lauren to ask her about what had happened.

Lauren mentioned she wanted to give Bonnie a smaller dress as something to work towards. Lauren thinks that because Bonnie admitted that no boys had asked her out last year, she should lose weight.

Gigi had a lot of boys interested in her, and Bonnie appeared to be unhappy over her lack of male attention.

Portrait of young blond teenaged girl
goodluz – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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