Categories: Relationships

Her Dad Expects Her To Help Pay For Her Half-Brother To Go To College Since He Failed To Save Up For It

Bre Avery Zacharski

Several years ago, this 26-year-old woman graduated from college, and she had to work her heart out to accomplish that.

She had to manage loans and scholarships and hold down part-time jobs in order to fund her college education, as she got no help from her parents.

Her 55-year-old dad got remarried back when she was 18, and she has a half-brother who’s about to graduate from high school soon.

Surprisingly enough, her dad just asked her if she can pitch in to pay for her brother’s college education since her dad and his wife never saved up any money for it.

“He said I should be able to afford it now that I have a full-time job, and because I “got lucky” with scholarships, it would only be fair if I helped my brother since “family helps family,” she explained.

“I love my brother, but I told my dad I can’t be responsible for his education, especially when I had to figure everything out on my own.”

“My dad didn’t give me any financial support during college, so I don’t see why it’s suddenly my responsibility now. He got mad, called me selfish, and now both my stepmom and brother are giving me the cold shoulder.”

She believes it was her dad’s responsibility to think ahead and put money aside for her half-brother’s education, yet her dad thinks because she doesn’t have kids, she should be happy to invest in her half-brother.

She’s wracked with guilt, as she knows her half-brother isn’t to blame. However, she’s new in her career and attempting to create her own life, which doesn’t come cheap.

Vasyl – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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Published by
Bre Avery Zacharski

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