
Her Brother-In-Law Keeps Calling Her A Gold Digger, So She Doesn’t Want To Help Pay For Him To Afford A Vacation

paradise beach with turquoise water, wooden pier and tropical palm trees, summer holidays in Thailand, Koh Kood
Song_about_summer - - illustrative purposes only

Five years ago, this 30-year-old woman married her 32-year-old husband. They both have jobs and are in a comfortable place financially.

Her husband earns more money than she does, but regardless, they pool their money together and view it as their money. It’s not separate.

Unfortunately, her 34-year-old brother-in-law has been calling her a gold digger for years since she makes less money than her husband does. Her brother-in-law claims he’s joking, but it’s not a joke to her; it’s hurtful.

“It’s always in front of people, and while I usually just laugh it off to avoid making things awkward, it really bothers me,” she explained.

“I’ve always worked, I contribute to our household, and it’s frustrating to have that constantly dismissed like I’m just living off my husband.”

“Recently, my BIL and his wife asked us to help cover their part of a family vacation because they can’t afford to go on their own. My husband and I talked about it, and while we could help, I really don’t feel comfortable after all the times he’s disrespected me.”

She was the one who piped up and told her brother-in-law she and her husband aren’t helping to fund his vacation, and as soon as she did, her brother-in-law tried to make her seem like she was being dramatic.

Her brother-in-law then tried to excuse his past behavior by insisting he meant no harm and that he was teasing her.

She’s done with the excuses, and her brother-in-law is angry that she’s standing in the way of his vacation.

paradise beach with turquoise water, wooden pier and tropical palm trees, summer holidays in Thailand, Koh Kood
Song_about_summer – – illustrative purposes only

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