
Her Brother Has Borrowed Thousands Of Dollars From Her, Never Pays Her Back, And Lives Way Beyond His Means, So She’s Refusing To Give Him Any More Money

deagreez - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Throughout this 30-year-old woman’s life, her younger brother, who’s now 27, has always been bad at managing his money.

He currently has a solid job, yet he spends all of his paychecks like they’re literally burning a hole in his wallet.

So, over the last few years, he has repeatedly come to her and asked for money. Sometimes, it was for rent; other times, he needed cash for car repairs or different “emergencies.”

“I’ve lent him thousands at this point, and I haven’t seen a single cent back,” she said.

Despite her brother making it seem like he’s struggling financially, though, he actually leads a much more lavish lifestyle than she does. For instance, he’s constantly dining out at restaurants or going on trips with his friends. He also always has the latest iPhone and doesn’t hesitate to blow money on designer clothing.

“Meanwhile, I’m the one cutting back on things, budgeting, and trying to save for my own future. It’s beyond frustrating,” she explained.

That’s why, when her brother asked for more rent money a few weeks ago, she finally put her foot down and said no. She made it clear that he needed to pay her back before she’d even think about lending him any more funds.

If you couldn’t have guessed, her brother didn’t take that well and became super defensive. He tried to claim she was acting selfish and that she should help him out, given how she’s in a better financial spot.

“But I’m tired of it. I feel like I’m enabling him to live irresponsibly, and it’s starting to feel more like I’m being taken advantage of than helping family,” she admitted.

deagreez – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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