
Her Boyfriend Stole The Necklace Her First Love Gave Her And Gifted It To His Sister For Her Birthday

FinielleVintage - - illustrative purposes only

It’s been nearly a year so far that this girl has been dating her boyfriend, Adam. They met while she was in the U.K. pursuing her master’s degree.

Let’s rewind to her sophomore year of college; she had a different boyfriend named Kyle, who tragically passed away. She was with Kyle for three years, and she still feels the pain from losing him.

“When we started college, Kyle gifted me a locket with the word “most” engraved on the back of it,” she explained.

“It was our thing; it meant he loved me most. Sappy, but it was ours. Since his passing, this has been my most valuable possession, and I do not go anywhere without it. It is my last piece of Kyle.”

She struggled to complete her college degree, and then she realized she needed a fresh start. It was then that she chose to move to the U.K. and get her master’s, which is how she met Adam.

Adam is the very first man she has permitted herself to have feelings for since she lost Kyle. She adores Adam, but he recently did something unforgivable.

All along, Adam has shown that Kyle brings out his insecurities. Adam will question her about whether she would still be dating Kyle instead of him if Kyle had never passed away.

Adam also asks her other questions, and she avoids them all. She doesn’t feel she should answer Adam and give him a reason to keep asking ridiculous things.

But that’s not all: Adam gets upset when she posts on social media about Kyle for the anniversary of his death or birthday. Adam views this as her not loving him and still being in love with Kyle.

FinielleVintage – – illustrative purposes only

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