
Her Boyfriend Has Detached From Everything And Everyone Except The Internet, And He’s No Longer The Man She Fell In Love With

SHOTPRIME STUDIO - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Sadly, this 30-year-old woman has witnessed her 39-year-old boyfriend turn into a complete stranger, and he’s no longer the man she fell in love with.

She’s been with him for ten years, and she previously was so proud to be with a man like him. But now, she can no longer sit here and say that.

It’s hard for her to be supportive of him, given the dark, negative turn his personality has taken. Her boyfriend used to hang out with their friends and was a beloved part of their tight-knit group, but a year ago, he started to change, and it’s drastic.

The thing is, her boyfriend has cut everyone and everything out of his life except for the internet.

He ghosted his best friend. He can no longer be expressive with his emotions. He’s always playing defense for no reason.

She can admit that during the pandemic, she neglected their relationship a bit. She got consumed with hanging out with new friends and some of her hobbies, and she preferred that to spending time with him.

She wishes she could turn back time and fix that because she thinks that was the beginning of her boyfriend giving up on her.

“Over time, he grew really negative,” she explained. “It’s unbearable. He used to be belly laughs, sunshine, and smiles.”

“It has pushed me away so badly that nowadays, I genuinely do not enjoy being in the same room as him. This might be obvious, but I do believe we’ve grown apart. Truthfully, I feel like I am the only one that grew, and he didn’t grow with me.”

SHOTPRIME STUDIO – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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