
Her Best Friend Is Getting Married On Saturday, But She Discovered That Her Fiancé Slept With A Coworker

bride and groom in autumn park Love Life
Dmitriy Shipilov - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

On Saturday, this 26-year-old woman’s 29-year-old best friend Rosa is getting married, and tomorrow, her bestie’s going to get her marriage license.

She agreed to drive the groomsmen around, as they are assisting with the ceremony. However, one of the groomsmen is a 24-year-old girl named Sara, whom she doesn’t like.

Sara and Rosa’s fiancé, Roberto, are coworkers. There was an incident in their workplace where Sara got publicly harassed by her ex, and Roberto intervened.

Sara’s ex never bothered her again, and Sara was so grateful to Roberto. They then became friends.

“My bestie, Rosa, found it sweet and allowed Sara to always be the +1 when “the boys” hung out,” she explained.

“Football games, board game night, pool hangouts, FaceTime sessions… Sara is always there. My BFF trusts her.”

“But y’all… I never found Sara normal. Maybe I am cynical, but her doe-eyed gaze made me gag. Her “love language” is also physical touch, so she’s always holding Roberto’s hand, arm, or, IDK, man, PINKY for all she cares. My friend Rosa is confident in her femininity and doesn’t even bat an eye.”

Sara promised to help her out with the floral arrangements for the wedding, so she went yesterday to pick her up, as they need a couple of days to organize the flowers.

When she showed up, she couldn’t believe that Sara was completely and utterly hammered. Sara had so much to drink that she did not even recognize who she was.

bride and groom in autumn park Love Life
Dmitriy Shipilov – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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