
He Wants To Dump His Girlfriend Since She Treats Her Dog Like A Spoiled Kid

Dog border collie closeup on nature day
Anna Averianova - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog

This 30-year-old guy has a 28-year-old girlfriend who used to be a dog trainer. She currently has one dog, a three-year-old border collie, and his girlfriend treats him like a spoiled kid.

His girlfriend’s dog does whatever he wants whenever he wants, but the most obnoxious thing about him is that he constantly barks at absolutely everything.

His bark is incredibly annoying, too, because it’s high-pitched and sounds more like a scream than anything else.

Also, his girlfriend will not allow anyone to watch her dog for her since she simply doesn’t trust a single soul to properly care for him.

They recently took a trip upstate, and his girlfriend dragged her dog along after insisting that she would not allow him to go to a doggie daycare.

He suggested that if a doggie daycare was out of the question, perhaps she could leave her dog with her friend.

His girlfriend turned that option down, saying that her friend will make her dog sleep in the living room and her dog needs to be in a bedroom.

So, his girlfriend’s dog stayed in their hotel room, barking his head off for the evening they were there (how the other guests didn’t complain about the noise is beyond me).

Because the barking drives him crazy, he has asked his girlfriend to please look into a bark collar to curb the behavior, but she made excuses.

Dog border collie closeup on nature day
Anna Averianova – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog

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