
He Wanted His Wife To Stay At A Job She Hated Since They Had The Opportunity To Become Millionaires

Young woman reading email at the office
Suteren Studio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 30-year-old man and his wife, who’s also 30, have always been a part of the lower-middle class. They currently live a “pretty good life” with a roof over their heads and a wonderful son.

“But we always wanted more. Property and the ability to do what we want,” he said.

Right now, he earns an “okay” salary. However, he claims it’s only enough to remain living where they are right now.

That’s why he wasn’t happy when his wife decided to put in her two-week notice at her job the other day.

She apparently hated her position. She worked in customer service and didn’t enjoy dealing with customers at all.

Rather, his wife wanted to do something new and find a job she was more passionate about. She just wasn’t sure what.

Yet, when his wife told her company that she was going to quit, they made her an offer that he thought they couldn’t refuse.

He knew that his wife was a good employee, and her employer supposedly recognized her contributions, too. That’s because they offered her 1,000 shares of the company, and if she opted to stay for another year, his wife was told that she could potentially get another 2,000 shares.

His wife would just have to work for another five years before she’d be able to sell them. And he thinks the payout would be huge.

Young woman reading email at the office
Suteren Studio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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