Categories: Weddings

He Told His Fiancée They Will Not Be Getting Married If She Keeps Insisting On Inviting His Estranged Parents To Their Wedding

Chip Chick

When planning your wedding, you should only invite people who love and support you.

A man had to tell his fiancée that he wouldn’t go through with marrying her if she tried to invite his parents to their wedding, as he cut them off years ago.

He is 35 and in the middle of planning his wedding with his 28-year-old fiancée.

As soon as he got engaged, he knew he didn’t want his parents, including his mom and stepdad, to attend the wedding.

He has a rough family history, as his biological dad left when he was four, and his mom married a man who never treated him as if he was his real son and clearly favored his half-siblings.

“My mom never tried to fix the relationship, and honestly loved her new family and always saw me as a burden,” he explained.

“After my freshman year of college, my mom asked me not to come home anymore. I blocked her after that and have had no contact with her or my stepdad and half-brother since then.”

The only person he keeps in touch with from his family is his 25-year-old half-sister, whom he isn’t even that close with. They have stayed connected more as a formality.

This is why he is excited to start a new life and family with his fiancée, whom he met four years ago. She changed his life, as they had a great bond, and her family welcomed him with open arms.

Vadym – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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Chip Chick

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