Categories: Weddings

He Told His Fiancée They Will Not Be Getting Married If She Keeps Insisting On Inviting His Estranged Parents To Their Wedding

Chip Chick

Unfortunately, there’s been some tension between them while planning the guest list for their wedding, as his fiancée asked him if he should invite his family.

“At first, I thought she was just trying to gauge if I wanted to,” he recalled.

“I said I would not be inviting my parents. She said okay but then brought it up again. I calmly explained how much they hurt me [and] how [I grew] up feeling unwanted.”

After reminding his fiancée of all the pain his family caused him, he hoped she would drop the idea of inviting them to the wedding, but she didn’t take the hint and kept bringing it up.

Things came to a head the other night when his fiancée told him she was thinking of inviting his family herself so that he wouldn’t have to do it.

He snapped and told her, in that case, they should throw all their invitations away because she doesn’t respect what he’s been through. Then, he threatened not to marry her before locking himself in their bedroom for a while.

“She came in to try to talk to me, and I walked out, grabbed my keys, and left,” he added.

“I came back after hanging with friends and sleeping on the couch. She left for work without a word, and I don’t know where we stand.”

While he loves his fiancée, he found her pressing behavior unacceptable. But now that she’s giving him the cold shoulder, he’s wondering if he overreacted.

Did he overreact to his fiancée’s request, or was his outburst understandable?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Chip Chick

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