
He Told His Fiancée She Needs To Find A Therapist Because Their House Isn’t Haunted

Another thing that’s going on frequently in their kitchen is they keep a broom in the space between their wall and fridge. The broom falls over a lot when nobody is in the kitchen.

A third common event is that it can sound as if someone is opening up the doors at the back of their apartment, but he feels the wind just blows them open.

Next, let’s move on to their bathroom, where Lynn claims to feel watched every time she gets in the shower (he maintains she’s being paranoid).

Also, in the shower, the shampoo bottles will randomly fall to the floor, and he’s seen this happen himself.

His first excuse was that perhaps a neighbor caused it by slamming a door, but when he saw the bottles fall, nobody else was home in their house.

Then, between one or three a.m. the fire alarm went off in their place one day, and it stopped as soon as he and Lynn jumped out of bed. He did replace the battery and dusted it off, but it never happened again.

There you have it; that’s what’s going on in their apartment, which causes Lynn to consider there to be spirits living with them, but he isn’t convinced.

“I told her that it’s all just an old house and things fall,” he added. “The fridge is a little older, so maybe we don’t close it all the way. There [are] explanations for everything.”

“The other day, these things all happened again. While she was in the shower, the picture frame we have in the bathroom fell and shattered, and that’s what did it for her. She was telling me she wants to leave; she’s paranoid. But I told her she needs to seek help for her paranoia with this because it’s starting to be too much. We cannot just leave now. There are no ghosts.”

What advice do you have for him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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