
He Hosted A Party With His Daughter On The Day His Divorce From His Cheating Ex-Wife Was Finalized, And She Was Furious 

But while the whole event was awesome for him, his ex-wife was much less enthusiastic when she found out about it the following week.

She gave him a call and asked why he would host a divorce party in front of their daughter and claimed to feel both degraded and humiliated.

“I told her our daughter was unaffected by it, and in fact, she seemed to enjoy participating in throwing away the gifts in the fire,” he revealed.

He also made it clear that his ex-wife’s issues are not his problem anymore, and he doesn’t want to be dragged into any drama moving forward.

Still, ever since reflecting on the celebration, he’s not sure if he actually did go too far.

Can you understand why he wanted to throw a party? At the same time, was it wrong to involve his daughter, even if she did enjoy it? Or did his ex-wife deserve it?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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