
He Got Punched At The Club By A Woman’s Boyfriend For Making Small Talk With Her At The Bar, And His Girlfriend Blamed Him For The Attack

mad_production - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Just last Saturday, this man decided to grab drinks with a few friends he hadn’t seen in a while. They visited a few bars over the course of the evening, and by the end, they wound up at a small nightclub.

“The club wasn’t really busy,” he recalled.

Yet, after he headed up to the bar to grab a drink, he ultimately came face to face with another man’s fist.

That’s because, while ordering his beverage, he realized a woman was standing nearby, also waiting for a drink. He asked if she was already being served by the bartender, and she claimed that she was.

Then, the woman actually complimented one of the tattoos on his arm, saying she liked it. He thanked her and started a small conversation, asking whether she had any tattoos as well.

However, the woman’s boyfriend was apparently at the club, too, and didn’t like him talking to her. The boyfriend proceeded to walk right up to him and start fighting with him over it.

“I told the guy I only asked her a question and that he should drop it,” he said.

Well, that didn’t diffuse the situation, as the guy just punched him in the face and left a bruise on his cheek. The guy was subsequently kicked out of the nightclub right away, and his girlfriend was very apologetic.

Anyway, when he went home to his own girlfriend, she obviously noticed the bruise, and he filled her in on what happened. Rather than feeling any sympathy for him, though, she basically blamed him for getting punched.

mad_production – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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