
He Freaked Out On His Husband For Cutting Down A Beloved Tree His Grandparents Planted

Apparently, his husband wanted to make their backyard more modern, so the tree had to go. He absolutely lost his mind on his husband over what he did to the tree, and they got into a blowout fight.

“He argued that I told him he could do whatever he wanted to the house, so I couldn’t back out now that he did something I didn’t like, but I find his argument invalid because I said the ‘house’ as in the structure not the tree and he should’ve known I wouldn’t have wanted him to cut it down,” he said.

“I know this is not the biggest issue ever, but I am genuinely heartbroken over this. It wasn’t just a tree to me or my family, and now, whenever I look outside, I just see an empty space where it should’ve been. I tried to get over it, but I still feel resentment towards him, which I don’t like.”

“I don’t know how to fix this or how to get my point across [to] him. I don’t want our relationship to fail because of a family tree, but I am also deeply hurt that he didn’t consider [my] or my family’s feelings at all. Should I just let it go? Or do I talk to him about it again even though I feel like it is useless since the tree is gone?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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