
He Freaked Out On His Husband For Cutting Down A Beloved Tree His Grandparents Planted

Beautiful purple magnolia tree called 'big Dude'.
Lukassek - - illustrative purposes only

For years, this 35-year-old man has been married to his 35-year-old husband, and they’ve never encountered any major issues to work through.

Sadly, his grandparents passed away recently, and then he inherited their home. It’s not grand or luxurious by any means, but it’s a special place for him.

Back when his grandparents moved to his town, they built their home from scratch and planted a tree out in the yard.

“My grandparents loved that tree so much because it felt like it grew alongside their family in a way; they always took good care of it, especially my grandpa, who nicknamed it ‘Sally,'” he explained.

“My whole family, including me, have numerous pictures with that tree, some of us playing under it and others of my grandparents standing proudly next to it.”

“It might seem silly, but that tree genuinely meant a lot to all of us because we all played under it, sat under it, and talked together. It just held a lot of memories.”

His husband loves home renovation projects and has been on a mission to give their house a makeover since he feels it’s too “old” for his tastes.

He gave his husband free rein to renovate, and he wouldn’t mind if, one day, his husband woke up and wanted to paint their house blue or something.

He had to go away on a work trip, and when he came home, he couldn’t believe that his husband had cut down the beloved family tree that his grandparents had planted all those years ago.

Beautiful purple magnolia tree called 'big Dude'.
Lukassek – – illustrative purposes only

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