
He Broke Up With His Girlfriend And Kicked Her Out After She Abandoned Him At A Male Coworker’s Party, Went To The Guy’s House, And Didn’t Get Home Until Early The Next Morning

He quickly told Joe not to touch him and stated that his girlfriend wouldn’t be attending the after-party. To his surprise, Joe replied that Anne had already accepted the invitation.

This pushed him to text his girlfriend right away, asking where she was, and she simply texted back, “Sorry, on the way to Joe’s place. I’ll see you tomorrow. Love you!”

He tried asking whether she knew that he wasn’t invited, and Anne had the nerve to leave him on “read.” She ignored all of his other texts that night.

So, he left Joe’s party absolutely livid and stayed up the entire evening. His girlfriend didn’t arrive home until 5:42 a.m.

“I know because I was by the window watching. I recognized the car as Joe’s and the driver to be Joe. Nobody else was in the car. Anne waved to him cutely and laughed at something he said,” he explained.

Once his girlfriend walked in the door, she seemed shocked that he was still awake, too. He, on the other hand, didn’t waste any time and broke up with her on the spot.

On top of that, he made it clear that she needed to move out by the end of the day.

“Anne was, at first, confused with me, and then I told her that she can just move in with Joe,” he detailed.

She just rolled her eyes at that and swore nothing happened between them. She also gave him a speech about his insecurities and how his imagination was running rampant.

Regardless, he didn’t care about any of that, and after some more back-and-forth fighting, Anne finally accepted that they were splitting up.

Still, she sarcastically thanked him for “wasting the best years of her life.”

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